Off to Sebago! 9/24/16

1526740_10151773236376086_274819464_n.jpgToday, we headed for the Sebago Lake region and the Spaulding Memorial Library. We were entranced by the beautiful building! We totally forgot to get an outdoor picture of this place. All stonework!  We were amazed when over 30 people turned out for an author talk and book signing. We even had Marge, who was turning 90 today…or maybe it was 91. But we were not allowed to sing to her, she didn’t want the fuss. A wonderful lady!


Freeport, Maine 9/19/16

Author Talk & Signing at the Freeport Community Library.….I had never turned left at the light coming into Freeport from I95 North! It’s usually to McD’s or LL Bean and the other shops when we stop over in Freeport.

FreeportLibraryLogo.gif What a beautiful library right there, just down the street from the busy section of town! The acoustics there are phenomenal. We had a great group attend including some of my ‘ole MESARD folks!  And Mr & Mrs Gary Anderson! So great to feel the support of friends and prior co-workers!

Author Talk & Book Signing in Ellsworth 9/8/16

EllsPubLib.jpgWe were thrilled to head back downeast! Even in the midst of a rainy evening, plenty of folks came out to the Ellsworth Public Library. We even had fellow Game Warden Wayde Carter and family come all the way from Machias to be part of the meet and greet! Wayde, as you will know from reading the book, was my counter-part in many of my adventures while in the Warden Service.

Carter Ridge Kennels is where we got our Saba! We love her so! Check out the fantastic painting on the wall behind me – looks like one of our dogs may have posed for it!


Visiting another of Sherman’s Bookstores 9/1/16

Kate and I were on our own  today in Damariscotta as Jolyne spent the wee hours of this morning helping our youngest dog to produce 10 puppies! We arrived at about 11:00 am and spent a few hours chatting with folks about the book. I was anxious to get home and check on those puppies! IMG_1078.jpg

Photo is a little graphic….but that’s life! Yup, there are 10 there! Whew! And our Friz is a little girl herself!